Suzanne McWhinnie

Suzanne McWhinnie

Where I have Travelled: I have not traveled far but had the wonderful experience to go to New York City! That was a dream trip! I have traveled to British Columbia, Saskatchewan, Ontario and points in Alberta, in Canada. Then to New York City, New York, Montana, and Idaho in the United States.

Favorite Destination & Why: My favorite bucket list destination is Australia and New Zealand because I love the accent and would love to go "down under" and see what that is like.

Favorite Activities: I love to read much to the dismay of hubby! I also enjoy camping, going for coffee, and walks.

Favorite Food: Fruit, especially grapes, ham, scalloped potatoes and tomatoes

About me: I have been married for 31 years to my husband and we have a full life. We have 3 grown children: My oldest daughter is married and lives nearby and blessed us with our first grandbaby girl on November 21, 2017. So exciting! My son just got married in August 2017 so I have gained another daughter. My youngest daughter is a globe trotter between Saskatchewan, Alberta and British Columbia! I am glad she is settled down in Calgary now.

I have worked at Select Holidays since 2005 and though I do not meet most clients, I enjoy talking to them on the phone and being helpful and pleasant. I will most likely be the first person you will talk to when you call!